The Empower Chat function makes communications simple and accessible so no one ever misses a beat

Your experiences using website chatbots may have varied. Empower’s in-app Chat function is designed with the singular purpose of keeping communications between you and our Success Team clear, concise, and accessible. 

If you had to use the phone, emails, and video conferencing to get everything done – as you would with a traditional marketing agency – you’d waste half of your day.

The Empower App was created to stop all of that. And our Chat function was conceived to provide the easiest and most effective way to reach us for information or to make a request. 

In this class, we’ll learn what it does and how it works.

Smarter than the Average Chatbot

One of the biggest advantages our Chat offers (aside for being able to ensure a quick response from our Success Team) is that you can upload any relevant digital files or marketing assets directly through the Chat window.

They will automatically be stored in your cloud-based asset upload folder, and remain immediately accessible through a link in the Chat window. 

That way, if you need to discuss an image, logo or copy content document, both you and the Success Management team rep assisting you will have immediate access to the file in question, without further requests for information on either side. 

This alone distinguishes Empower’s Chat from other chat experiences you may have had elsewhere.

Our Chat Keeps Tabs!

You can say goodbye to regular emails and the associated hassles like: 

  • Copying multiple people
  • Forgetting to copy multiple people
  • Losing attachments in the ether
  • Email threads that get interrupted and are hard to follow

Among the best client feedback we hear is from businesses that have more than one person responsible for marketing requests and related communications. 

Because our Chat stores and dates every conversation, the need to go find old emails from other parties is eliminated. And if someone on your team needs to access an asset you’ve discussed in the Chat, it’s as simple as opening a link. 

The amount of time this saves for you, and for Empower, gives our Chat amazing value as the best communication tool available.

The “Chat” Function: How It Works

The “Chat” button appears at the bottom of each card Empower sends to your App.

Just click the button and the dialogue window will open. Give it a try right now and check it out. Put us to the test!

Using The Chat

Obviously, the key benefit of the Chat is to be able to reach Empower quickly, with one click.

Here’s a list of some of the reasons you’ll want to make habit of using the Chat function. You can easily:

  • Request any type of asset or digital marketing project idea
  • Propose an idea
  • Ask us to create a piece of content
  • Check on the status of a mission in progress at any time
  • Book a call or video meeting with a strategist
  • Request information on current marketing trends in your industry

Or you can just open a Chat to reach us for any reason at all! We can’t stress enough that using the Chat function through your App is the most reliable way to contact us. 

The whole idea of the App is to simplify your marketing solutions. What could be more simple than an ongoing conversation at your fingertips that never misses a beat or forgets a piece of information? 

It’s the simplest storage solution imaginable, eliminating confusion and inviting clarity.

Our Chat is Fast!

Because relevant documents and files are stored as links in the chat, load times are super fast and searching the chat history is simple.
You’ll get used to not having to email or call really quickly, and be thrilled not to have to. Trust us on this.

App Chat: The Fast Solution

As you’ve now surely begun to understand, regular interaction with the Empower App ensures that you get the most from our efforts and yours. 

The “Chat” function is the fastest way to connect to success and is another reason to remember to spend a few minutes each day with the App. 

And if our Success Team wants to reach you, they’ll also use the Chat function to simplify the exchange. 

You won’t miss a message - or an opportunity – ever again.

Masterclass Pt.7: Summary

  • The Empower Chat function stores your conversations and data for easy access anywhere, anytime
  • The Chat is the fastest, most dependable way to reach an Empower team member
  • You can use it to request information, check on ongoing missions and share ideas
  • Your people can use it without losing info or any confusion
  • It’s another great reason to log in to your Empower App daily

Making a habit of using the Chat function in your Empower App means breaking the old cycle of phone calls, emails and other burdens on your time. Through the Chat, when you need something, you’re the conductor and our people are your orchestra. 

All you have to do open up a Chat!


Make sure you download the Empower App so you don’t miss out.

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